In architecture, circulation means the pathways through a floor plan. These pathways are how we experience architecture; the design of these pathways has an enormous effect on the success or failure of a plan. Circulation spaces ought to be as interesting as any other part of a building. There are always unique opportunities to make circulation interesting.
Obvious pathways include hallways (horizontal circulation) and stairs (vertical circulation). But every space we are able to occupy is part of the circulation system of a building. Halls can be expanded to become spacious areas like vestibules, foyers, galleries, arcades, and colonnades. Vertical circulation can include elevators and escalators. Less obvious pathways are the spaces between and around furniture: the spaces in rooms where people are likely to walk. All of these variations on circulation are important aspects of architecture because it is through movement that we enjoy architecture as a three-dimensional experience. Without movement, architecture is merely a stage set: entertaining to look at, perhaps, but with no direct relationship to the user.
ABOVE: This hallway uses at least five architectural "tricks" to make the long traverse interesting: skylights, level changes, art niches, generous width, and terminating the vista with a window looking out to a private garden. (Photo by Cynthia Schlaer.)
Good circulation is essential to successful architecture. Like the flow of blood in a body, circulation works best when the route is clear and unobstructed. After all, how can you appreciate beautiful spaces if you don’t know where to go or you’re constantly bumping into obstacles? When we confront people with an obstacle course, their eyes are on the obstacles, not the architecture.
ABOVE: Note how this master suite accomodates circulation and furniture without conflicts.
A floor plan with good circulation makes every square foot of space work efficiently and gracefully. Good circulation does not necessarily mean that the shortest path between two points is best. It means that the most architecturally rewarding path between two points is preferred. ABOVE: Vertical circulation handled with sweeping stairways in traditional and contemporary homes.
BELOW: A simple organic shape (like a snail shell) makes the vertical circulation seem inviting and effortless.
Traffic patterns are most effective when clear, logical, and unambiguous. However, that doesn’t mean they need be boring. Walking through a work of architecture is a sequence of events, and every event can be interesting. In a well-designed floor plan, every event reinforces the theme, variations, and development of the overriding functional requirements and esthetic purpose. Circulation spaces should be designed as meaningful parts of the whole.
Open planning is modern architecture’s gift to spatial perception. Narrow, dark hallways are a relic of the past. In many buildings, efficient space planning can make hallways all but disappear, blending the circulation spaces with functional spaces, transforming hidden square footage into open, perceived space. This borrowing between spaces adds interest and thereby increases value. When circulation must exist independent from the main spaces because of privacy or security, the architect still has many design tools available to keep things interesting. When the budget allows, foyers can be generous, halls can be designed as galleries, and stairs can be compelling focal points. Circulation need never interfere with furnishings or function. The challenge is to find interesting and lively transitions from one space to another. Space flows naturally and effortlessly when circulation is an integral part of architectural design.
BELOW: Plan showing how the galleries are staggered to set up a dynamic path through the home.
Every part of a building should enhance the architectural experience. No less important than any other part is the space we devote to circulation: the space between the spaces.
All photos in the above article by Rob Munger unless otherwise noted. Architecture by Michael Knorr & Associates, Inc.